Community Care

Community & Care Co-ordination

We recognise that there are individuals who are socially isolated, lonely and need help within the community. Often these individuals have multiple health conditions, including memory loss and may often have limited networks of care or support.

In order to support such patients, the reception and admin team help by covering the Community & Care Coordinator role. The focus of this role is to help patients by coordinating support, signposting on or referring to other services which may help them to cope better with their everyday lives. The support may be provided by the NHS directly or the voluntary Sector or delivered by the Community volunteers within the Practice.

The team would welcome contact from any patient or carer of a patient of the practice to see if they can offer help and support. Please feel free to contact them on the number or email below and they will try their best to help you.

Tel: 01743 276000


Social Prescriber

Social Prescribing is a non-medical programme designed to help people with a wide range of social, emotional or practical needs. This may include those who may be;

  • Caring for someone who cannot manage without this help
  • Living with a long-term health condition
  • Wanting to change their lifestyle e.g. giving up smoking or losing weight
  • Feeling worried or anxious
  • Feeling lonely or socially isolated

Social Prescribing uses a person centred, preventative approach by intervening early, before problems start to escalate. In Shropshire, people referred have the space to talk one to one with a trained Social Prescribing Advisor and come up with a plan of action together, to help resolve health and wellbeing concerns and help put the person back in charge of their life.

Connecting people back to a service or activity in their community is key to social prescribing, and this comes through referring people to local voluntary and community based groups or activities.

Please ask at Reception about an appointment if you feel you might benefit from speaking to someone.

Please click on the links for further information: