Contraception/Sexual Health
Coil or IUS fitting at Marysville Medical Practice
You can have a Coil or IUS fitted at Marysville by one of our GPs. If you have discussed it with your GP please fill out this form and give it to your GP or ANP: Coil or IUS fitting information.
Vasectomy Service at Marysville Medical Practice
See Vasectomy service for more information.
Sexual Health Services in Shropshire
OpenClinic is a free, confidential and inclusive sexual health service in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin and now South Staffordshire. OpenClinic is provided in partnership by South Staffordshire and Shropshire NHS Foundation Trust and SH:24. They offer:
- Emergency Contraception – Hormonal contraception (pill) or coil insertion if you have had unprotected sex. Referral and support to termination of pregnancy services
- HIV PEP and PREP – Information, advice and assessment for Post Exposure Prophylaxis if you think you’ve been exposed to HIV. Information and advice on Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (at the moment we don’t currently supply PREP)
- Sexual Violence – Information and links to your nearest Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) and information relating to support (including Child Sexual Exploitation, Female Genital Mutilation and Domestic Violence)
- Get Tested – Sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening (including rapid testing) and treatment services. We routinely test for Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, HIV and Syphilis. Free pregnancy testing. Free treatment is available when you need it.
- Contraception – Information, advice and issuing a range of contraceptive options including free condoms and C-Card Scheme
- HIV Support – Specialised services providing counselling, information, support and treatment for people living with and affected by HIV
They also offer:
- Referral to specialist sexual assault centres
- Referral to other specialist clinics
- Young Persons Counselling
- Psychosexual Therapy by referral
They do not offer:
- Coils, implants, pills for non-contraceptive purposes
- Fertility Services
- Gynaecological contraception (such as for control of bleeding)
- Issuing of PREP
- Occupational Hepatitis B vaccination
- Occupational testing (such as for VISA’s)
- Smears
- Sterilisation
- Urology services
- Vasectomy services