Reception & Administration

Sue Llewellyn
Sue is responsible for typing and processing all referrals; NHS and Private. As Secretary she chases up appointments and any other information required by the GP’s together with a variety of administration work for the Practice. Sue co-ordinates the annual Flu Campaign and the recall of all our Diabetic patients. Sue also provides valuable management support to Practice Management.
Reception & Administration
The Reception team provide an important link for patients with the practice and are your initial contact point for general enquiries. They can provide basic information on services and results and direct you to the right person depending on your health issue or query. It is important that if possible you give them some details as to why you need an appointment; this enables them to direct you to the most appropriate clinician and the most appropriate appointment.
As well as working in reception each member of the team takes responsibility for certain administrative tasks e.g. baby immunisations, chronic disease management, recalls, vasectomy, scanning, coding etc.
We are proud to be a training practice and offer opportunities for Apprentice receptionists to join us and learn on the job whilst undertaking their Apprenticeship course.
The team look after the back office functions of running a practice, alongside Sue our secretary. They deal with email and online consultation correspondence and help with booking patients for specific clinics. In addition they also look after the booking and management of our Vasectomy Service, organising and booking patients.
Chloe, Abbie, Jan and Mollie will be happy to help you.
The Workflow Care Coordination Team are responsible for dealing with all incoming documents and mail – all of these have to be scanned into patient files, coded and dealt with appropriately – some require action e.g. discharge summaries from hospital requiring medication changes, onward referrals, GP clinical input. We are one of the first practices in our area to start using a dedicated auditing tool to record the workflow process and over time we will be working closely with our Primary Care Network to look at a joint workflow process across the PCN practices.