COVID-19 Vaccinations are being rolled out in a phased way as per the groups below. When you are eligible for your COVID-19 Vaccination you will be contacted by telephone, letter or text message and this will not necessarily be from the surgery.

You can also go to and enter your details to see if you are eligible for a COVID-19 Vaccination at that time and if you are, you will be able to book your appointment.

COVID-19 Vaccinations are being rolled out in the following order as per the GOV.UK website:

  1. Care home residents and residential care workers
  2. 80+, healthcare workers and social care workers
  3. 75-79
  4. 70-74, clinically extremely vulnerable (under 70)
  5. 65-69
  6. At risk (under 65)
  7. 60-64
  8. 55-59
  9. 50-54
  10. Rest of adult population