We are delighted that Severn Fields Medical Practice has now been approved as a hub site for the delivery of COVID-19 vaccines, and clinics for all Shrewsbury GP practice patients are starting there this week. 

We are in the process of sending out text messages inviting patients over 70 to book their COVID-19 vaccination (if you do not have a mobile number, you will be contacted in another way). We are working through inviting a large list of patients, starting with the extremely vulnerable, then moving down the ages from 79 to 70. Your invite is on the way, please do not ring us. 

The text message you receive will ask you to visit a link starting with “book.nhs.me”. Please rest assured that this is a legitimate invitation and a safe link to follow. You will be asked to confirm your date of birth only. For more information about this, please visit https://support.accurx.com/en/articles/4794856-i-have-been-invited-to-book-my-covid-19-vaccination-through-a-book-nhs-me-link-is-this-legitimate.